

In order to be admitted to a care home, you must first be paneled with your Regional Health Authority. This is done through your family doctor and/or home care worker.

After we receive your application from the Long Term Care Access Centre, we will contact you. This provides an opportunity to confirm that we can provide the care you need. It is also a time for you to ask any questions you might have about living at Calvary Place.

When you are notified that a room is available, a decision on acceptance must be made immediately. If you currently reside in another health care facility (hospital or PCH), you will be required to move in the day after notification. If you are residing in the community, the room will become yours the day after notification, but you have 5 days to complete the move, if required.

Upon admission, residents are usually assigned to one of the two doctors who come to Calvary Place on a regular basis. In order to remain under the care of your current physician, he/she must be willing to visit regularly and must be readily available to communicate with our staff (via phone or fax).



When a room becomes available, you and/or your family will be contacted for acceptance and to arrange an admission time.

On the day of admission, we encourage your family and/or friends to accompany you and spend time with you (currently not allowed under Covid-19 protocols). We recognize that the first day may be stressful and hope that we can provide support to you. You will be given time to unpack and arrange your room. Your clothing will be labelled and returned to you.

You are assigned a room based on your care needs. In time, you may be transferred from one room to another or one floor to another so that your needs can continue to be met. It is helpful that families support these changes when they are necessary.

The furniture is placed in a particular position for the safety of the residents, for fire safety and for ease of care for the Health Care Aides. Beds or furniture should remain in the position that they are placed in when first admitted.

All rooms are single occupancy. Some points to be aware of:

  • You will be given a tour of your new home;
  • You will have your picture taken for medical records;
  • You will be shown your place in the dining room;
  • You will be asked for information about your health and personal history (because knowing something about your past and present experiences and likes and dislikes will enable us to assist you in adjusting to your new home).

You will also be requested to provide the following information:

  • The name, address, and phone number of next of kin and finance contact
  • Arrangements in the event of death (e.g. funeral home)
  • Church affiliation (if desired)
  • Daily life routine and health history

On the day of admission you or your family member will be asked to complete the following forms with the Admissions Nurse:

  • Valuables record
  • Consent re: laundry/jewellery
  • Consent for foot care (optional)
  • Consent for hairdressing services (optional)
  • WRHA Advance Care Plan
  • Food preference questionnaire
  • Life story

Note: The CFO or Accounting Clerk will also help you to arrange financial matters and complete forms.